
Clicking and locking of a finger or thumb is generally known as a “Trigger finger” or “Trigger thumb.” This is a common condition involving inflammation or thickening of the tendon that bends your fingers or thumb. The tendon passes through a pulley in the palm of the hand, however when the tendon is inflamed, it can catch or lock as you make a fist or grip items.  

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Training for rowing or exercising on a rowing machine can cause pain in the forearm and wrist.

This can be due to poor technique or repetitive motions straining the forearm and wrist muscles. It can lead to multiple types of overuse injuries such as lateral epicondylitis or intersection syndrome.

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The Hand Therapy Group are recognised leaders in therapy for the hand and upper limb. Lead by Director, Dr Anne Wajon, PhD, we employ highly qualified and experienced hand therapists (physiotherapists and occupational therapists) who offer expert assessment, diagnosis and treatment for people with hand and upper limb pain or dysfunction. You can follow Dr Wajon on Twitter!

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