Wrist and Finger Strengthening
Rolling ball in circles
Gripping putty into fist
Lift little finger up straight
Resist sideways movement of little finger
Wrist Stability Exercises
Wrist Stability. Hold theraband tightly with
unaffected hand. Push affected hand forwards
Hold theraband next to thigh. With thumb
facing the ground move arm up to the side
keeping your elbow straight
Hold theraband with other hand near
shoulder, push theraband across body
Hold theraband up towards opposite shoulder.
Push hand down and out away from body
Hold theraband near shoulder. Push
hand towards ceiling
Forearm Strengthening
With forearm supported, lift wrist up
with weight in hand
Slowly lower wrist down with weight in hand
Dart Throwing motion
Slowly lower half filled water bottle
Supination. Turn palm up with no resistance
Apply tension to theraband with other hand
Keep elbows tucked next to body and turn
palm up against resistance
Hold slosh stick above shoulder with elbow
bent. Keep balanced
Hold slosh stick next to body. Keep balanced
Supination. Hold broom with brush
towards the ground
Turn palm upwards
Hold broom with brush near ground
Keep elbow next to body and turn palm down